About the Journal

Journal of Human Sexuality  (JHS) is a quarterly published, international, double-blind peer reviewed journal dedicated to the study and education of the pelvic floor as one integrated unit.

The publication frequency is 3 times a year (April, August, December) in every 4 months.

The core aim of JHS is to provide a central focus for human sexuality and female genital aesthetic  surgery.

JHS publishes original papers on clinical and experimental topics concerning the human sexuality in the fields of Urology, Gynaecology and Colo-Rectal Surgery from a multidisciplinary perspective.

In the published articles, the condition is observed that they are of the highest ethical and scientific standards and not have commercial concerns.

Studies submitted for publication are accepted on the condition that they are original, not in the process of evaluation in another journal, and have not been published before.

All submitted manuscripts must adhere strictly to the following Instructions for Authors.

This journal's main interest area is human sexuality and the journal publishes every study (e.g. research articles, case reports, letter to the editor,  reviews) on  human sexuality and female genital aesthetic surgery provided that study has been found worth publishing.